Internet-based exposure and behavioral activation for complicated grief and rumination: A randomized controlled trial

Abstract: This study examined the effectiveness and feasibility of therapist-guided Internet-delivered exposure (EX) and behavioral activation (BA) for complicated grief and rumination. Forty-seven bereaved individuals with elevated levels of complicated grief and grief rumination were randomly assigned to three conditions: EX (N = 18), BA (N = 17), or a waiting-list (N = 12). Treatment groups received 6 homework assignments over 6 to 8 weeks.

Violence against children, later victimisation, and mental health: a cross-sectional study of the general Norwegian population

Background: Violence in childhood is associated with mental health problems and risk of revictimisation. Less
is known about the relative importance of the various types of childhood and adult victimisation for adult
mental health.
Objective: To estimate the associations between various types of childhood and adult violence exposure, and
their combined associations to adult mental health.
Method: This study was a cross-sectional telephone survey of the Norwegian adult population; 2,435 women

Brief eclectic psychotherapy for PTSD

Brief eclectic psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP), developed during the 1980s and 1990s of the last century, has proven to be as effective as other trauma-focused treatments (Gersons et al. 2000; Lindauer et al. 2005; Bradley et al. 2005; NICE 2005; Bisson et al. 2013; Schnyder et al. 2011). What makes BEPP special is that it is a comprehensive treatment especially developed for PTSD in which effective elements from different psychotherapy schools have been integrated into a logical sequence.

Over under sideways down

60.000.000 mensen zijn op de vlucht voor conflicten en geweld in eigen land. Deze vluchtelingen hebben huis en haard verlaten, op zoek naar veiligheid voor zichzelf en hun gezin. De Iraanse Ebrahim (20) vluchtte op zijn vijftiende weg uit Iran. Hij heeft deze zomer een stripboek uitgebracht over zijn traumatische reis.

Holocaust Exposure Induced Intergenerational Effects on FKBP5 Methylation

The involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in intergenerational transmission of stress effects has been demonstrated in animals but not in humans.

Longitudinal assessment of gender differences in the development of PTSD among US military personnel deployed in support of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan

Divergent findings from previous research examining gender differences in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among US military members deployed to the operations in Iraq or Afghanistan (recent operations) prompted this study utilizing a matching approach to examine whether risk for new-onset PTSD and PTSD severity scores differed by gender. US military members from the Millennium Cohort Study deployed in support of the recent operations were followed for approximately 7 years from baseline through 2 follow-up periods between 2001 and 2008.

Treatment Outcome-Related White Matter Differences in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating disorder that has been associated with brain abnormalities, including white matter alterations. However, little is known about the effect of treatment on these brain alterations. To investigate the course of white matter alterations in PTSD, we used a longitudinal design investigating treatment effects on white matter integrity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Diffusion tensor and magnetization transfer images were obtained pre- and posttreatment from veterans with (n=39) and without PTSD (n=22).

Psychotherapies for PTSD: what do they have in common?

Over the past three decades, research and clinical practice related to the field of traumatic stress have developed tremendously. In parallel with the steady accumulation of basic knowledge, therapeutic approaches have been developed to treat people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related psychological problems. Today, a number of evidence-based treatments are available. They differ in various ways; however, they also have a number of commonalities.

PTSD after childbirth: A predictive ethological model for symptom development

Childbirth can be a traumatic experience occasionally leading to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study aimed to assess childbirth-related PTSD risk-factors using an etiological model inspired by the transactional model of stress and coping.
348 out of 505 (70%) Dutch women completed questionnaires during pregnancy, one week postpartum, and three months postpartum. A further 284 (56%) also completed questionnaires ten months postpartum. The model was tested using path analysis.
