The effects of war: local views and priorities concerning psychosocial and mental health problems as a result of collective violence in Burundi

This paper explores how people in Burundi view the impact of the past civil war on their lives and wellbeing. The methodology consisted of focus group discussions (n = 104), including participatory ranking techniques, and key informant interviews with traditional healers (n = 8). Respondents saw economic decline (poverty, loss of livelihoods), worsened health and nutritional status as major issues, but also mentioned social aspects (erosion of mechanisms for social support and conflict resolution), and psychological aspects (sadness, grief).

Personal perspectives of protracted displacement: an ethnographic insight into the isolation and coping mechanisms of Syrian women and girls living as urban refugees in northern Jordan

The ongoing conflict in Syria has provoked mass exodus on an unprecedented scale, with over four million Syrian refugees now registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Most of these refugees fled across the borders to Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq and Turkey, where the vast majority of Syrian refugees now live outside of the camps, their priorities and coping mechanisms shifting due to their protracted displacement.

Training workshops for psychosocial workers and mental health staff: what organisers of capacity building projects need to know before hiring a trainer

When invited to facilitate a training course for psychosocial workers and/or mental health staff, I am sometimes confronted with unrealistic expectations: the person commissioning a training expects a detailed programme that describes exactly what subject matter will be covered, and precisely when. In other cases, I am requested to design a programme that connects to an earlier training, facilitated by another expert in the mental health and psychosocial support field.

A widow, a victim, a mother: rethinking resilience and wellbeing within the complexities of women's lives in Kashmir

Using a case study, this paper describes initial results from qualitative research with women widowed as a result of conflict in Kashmir. Recognising resilience as a process that contributes to a sense of wellbeing, this paper highlights how this process also often involves experiencing and exercising overlapping identities of being a ‘victim’, ‘widow, and a ‘mother’ for women within conflict contexts.

Task sharing in rural Haiti: qualitative assessment of a brief, structured training with and without apprenticeship supervision for community health workers

Despite growing support for supervision after task sharing trainings in humanitarian settings, there is limited research on the experience of trainees in apprenticeship and other supervision approaches. Studying apprenticeships from trainees’ perspectives is crucial to refine supervision and enhance motivation for service implementation.

Sharing Circles: learning from a community based psychosocial intervention model implemented with vulnerable populations in Myanmar

The last several decades of ongoing conflict and oppression in Myanmar (as it is now officially known) has had an extensive psychological and emotional impact on its people. Unfortunately, there has been a distinct lack of psychosocial programming provided through culturally appropriate methods in Myanmar. This study investigated an eight session psychotherapy group called Sharing Circles. Trained local staff implemented a group intervention in Yangon, Myanmar with 57 Burmese participants from Yangon identified as belonging to one of three vulnerable groups.

Supporting the relationship between mother and child within the context of domestic violence: a pilot parenting programme in Surkhet, Midwestern Nepal

This paper describes the experience of a group based parenting programme for mothers with past, or ongoing, domestic violence experience in Surkhet district, Midwestern Nepal. Twenty women took part in the programme, with meetings every three weeks over a period of nine months.

Obstacle Course to Europe: A policy-made humanitarian crisis at EU borders

The world currently faces its largest global displacement crisis since World War II, with approximately 60 million people currently displaced due to conflict, persecution and untenable conditions in their home country. Whilst foreseeable, E urope is still reeling in shock from the sheer numbers of refugees and migrants – approximately one million – who have crossed its borders in 2015.

Comparing a trauma focused and non trauma focused intervention with war affected Congolese youth: a preliminary randomised trial

While there is broad consensus about the need for interventions to help psychologically distressed, war affected youth, there is also limited research and even less agreement on which interventions work best. Therefore, this paper presents a randomised trial of trauma focused, and non trauma focused, interventions with war affected Congolese youth.

Measuring suffering: assessing chronic stress through hair cortisol measurement in humanitarian settings

Ever increasing humanitarian crises involve prolonged population displacement, a known trigger for chronic stress, which in turn highlights the need for chronic stress to be addressed more explicitly within humanitarian aid work. This calls for better tools to both assess chronic stress in these situations of extended displacement, as well as methods to evaluate the impact of psychosocial interventions in such settings. Noting these challenges, this paper proposes the use of hair cortisol concentration sampling to measure long-term suffering and stress.
