The role of the press and the medical community in the epidemic of "mysterious gas poisoning" in the Jordan West Bank


In March and April 1983, an epidemic of "mysterious gas poisoning" occurred in the Jordan West Bank region, affecting more than 900 persons, predominantly schoolgirls. That both Arabs and Israelis believed there was an etiologic poisonous substance reflected their longstanding conflict. Israeli newspaper reports, opinions by Arab and Israeli physicians, and the emotional climate in Djenin Hospital contributed to the generation and propagation of this belief. The author discusses the specific difficulties he met in investigating the outbreak.

After the fire-ball


A hypothetical aircraft accident scenario is described in which the pilot survives but some of the passengers are fatally injured. Information is provided on the acute situational anxiety that may occur in aircrew after any aviation accident, especially one in which lives are lost. A course of action is discussed which encourages early recognition and treatment of the potentially debilitating phenomenon termed "post-accident anxiety syndrome".

Three Mile Island. Psychology and environmental policy at a crossroads

Summarizes the research on the psychological stress that was precipitated by the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear reactor accident and that could be caused by a restart of TMI's undamaged reactor. The legal background of whether the reactor should be turned on again is explained within the context of case law concerning recovery of damages caused by emotional trauma. Recent court decisions are explored for implications regarding the role of psychology in environmental use assessments that may be required by the National Environmental Policy Act.
