‘The problem is the silence’ : challenges providing support to local INGO staff in Gaza

​This field report reviews some of the challenges encountered in providing support to local international, nongovernmental organisations staff in Gaza, shortly following the cessation of conflict in July and August of 2014. Methodology and the content of group sessions are described. The paper concludes with highlights from the evaluation, reflections on what was learned, and some recommendations on the provision of further staff support in the future.

A classroom based intervention in conflict affected Poso, Indonesia : synthesising lessons learned from research and practice

This paper describes lessons learned from a classroom based intervention, which was implemented in the post conflict area of Poso, Indonesia. These lessons are drawn from qualitative research and a randomised controlled trial in the area, as well as data from our own programme monitoring and evaluation. We describe these lessons learned from a socio-ecological perspective, making recommendations to strengthen the classroom based intervention's connection with critical mental health and psychosocial issues relevant at individual, family and wider community levels.

Mental health and psychosocial support for the internally displaced persons in Bannu, Pakistan

Following armed conflict in the North Waziristan Agency, a mental health and psychosocial support initiative was launched for internally displaced persons in Bannu, Pakistan. This was convened by volunteer mental health professionals, in collaboration with a variety of agencies (provincial government, military, humanitarian agencies) in a security compromised region. As part of the initiative, monthly camps were held for a period of six months. Mental health needs were assessed.

The land of a thousand broken hearts : trauma and reconciliation in post-genocide Rwanda

Following years of ethnic strife between the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority, tensions escalated immediately after the plane of president Habyarimana was shot down on April 6, 1994. The Tutsi were designated scapegoat by Hutu extremists and subjected to a systematic and barbaric genocide. Within a hundred days, approximately 800.000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were slaughtered. The killings only grinded to a halt when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a Tutsi rebel militia, seized the last stronghold of the regime on July 17 that same year.

How to support staff deploying on overseas humanitarian work : a qualitative analysis of responder views about the 2014/15 West African Ebola outbreak

Background: Responding to health crises overseas can be both rewarding and distressing for staff involved.
Objective: We interviewed UK staff involved in the 2014/15 Ebola response to identify experiences that positively or negatively affected them.
Method: We conducted qualitative telephone interviews with 30 Public Health England (PHE) staff and 21 non-governmental organisation (NGO) staff who had deployed to West Africa.

Trauma occurs in social contexts

Vilnius, Lithuania's capital, was the beautiful location of the 14th Conference of the European Society of Traumatic Stress studies (ESTSS) from June 10 to 13, 2015. The main theme of this two-yearly conference was “Trauma in changing societies: social contexts and clinical practice.” The topic of the conference is timely, unfortunately. The current crisis in Syria changed (and is still changing) societies, especially in the Middle East.

Borderlands of mental health : Explorations in medical anthropology, psychiatric epidemiology and health systems research in Afghanistan and Burundi

Many areas of the globe today face continuous armed conflict, with more and more populations caught in the crossfire. This has been true in both Afghanistan and Burundi where populations have to cope with the psychological and social effects of ongoing collective violence. While living and working in these countries, the author conducted research on the impact of these complex humanitarian emergencies on mental health and psychosocial wellbeing, and on ways to miti gate these impacts.
His findings as published in this PhD thesis are based on the following questions:

Special issue : Trauma occurs in social contexts

With this special issue that presents highlights of the biennial psychotrauma conference in Europe with contributions from experts inside and outside Europe, we hope to boost future research on the role of the broader social context in which trauma occurs.

A vulnerability paradox in the cross-national prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder

Determinants of cross-national differences in the prevalence of mental illness are poorly understood.
To test whether national post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) rates can be explained by (a) rates of exposure to trauma and (b) countries' overall cultural and socioeconomic vulnerability to adversity.

Neglected Trauma : Asylum seekers in Italy: an analysis of mental health distress and access to healthcare

The many humanitarian crises of recent years, the persistence of conditions of war and the systematic violation of human rights in many countries have forced millions of people to flee, undertaking journeys that are often very dangerous. According to data from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), there are now 65,3 million of people who left their home in the world. Recent evidence shows an increased risk of mental disorders among forced migrants and asylum seekers.
