Trauma history and risk of the irritable bowel syndrome in women veterans

BACKGROUND: Over 1.8 million women in the U.S. are veterans of the armed services. They are at increased risk of occupational traumas, including military sexual trauma. AIM: To evaluate the association between major traumas and irritable bowel syndrome among women veterans accessing Veteran Affairs (VA) healthcare. METHODS: We administered questionnaires to assess trauma history as well as IBS, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression symptoms to 337 women veterans seen for primary care at VA Women's Clinic between 2006 and 2007.

Traumabearbeitung in der gruppenanalytischen Psychotherapie: Identifikationsprozesse in einer gemischten Gruppe mit Tätern und Opfern von sexuellem Missbrauch

All reports about homogenous groups of victims or perpetrators, as well as my own experience, show that the process of cross-identification between victims and perpetrators can only be worked through in mixed groups with victims and perpetrators. This process of crossidentification was supported by mirroring, resonance, holding and containing inside the group. The following identification processes could be differentiated: 1.

Traumas, deuils et témoignage: élaboration des traumas et travail de deuil chez les enfants juifs cachés en France pendant l'Occupation = Traumas and testimony, the work of mourning of jewish children hidden in France during World War II

Les enfants juifs, orphelins de la Shoah ayant survécu aux persécutions nazies et à la collaboration française en étant cachés ont souvent été confrontés à de multiples traumatismes. Devenus adultes, parents et grands-parents, certains d'entre eux participent depuis plusieurs années à des associations visant à honorer et transmettre la mémoire de leurs parents assassinés en déportation.

Trait self-enhancement as a buffer against potentially traumatic events: A prospective study

Longitudinal research has associated the disposition toward self-enhancing biases with better adjustment following potentially traumatic events (PTEs). However, self-enhancement was always measured in these studies after the PTE, thus confounding it with exposure. This study used a prospective design that tracked PTEs in college students over a 4-year period using an online checklist (n = 69). Most participants experienced at least 1 PTE, and the mean number of PTEs was 4.40.

Trauma and current Posttraumatic stress symptoms in elderly German women who experienced wartime rapes in 1945

The aim of this study was to determine the persistent trauma impact and significant posttraumatic stress symptoms in a sample of very elderly German women who survived the mass rapes committed by soldiers at the end of World War II. A total of 27 women were recruited, interviewed, and then administered a modified Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale.

Trauma and resilience in young refugees: a 9-year follow-up study

The aim of the present study was to assess and understand the long-term trajectory of psychological problems among young Middle Eastern refugees in Denmark. Participants were 131 young refugees from the Middle East (76 girls, 55 boys, mean age = 15.3 years) from 67 families. They were assessed first on arrival in Denmark in 1992-1993 and again 8-9 years later. The high prevalence of psychological problems at arrival was considerably reduced by the time of follow-up, but it was still somewhat higher than what has been found in most community studies using the same assessment tools.

The trauma of truth telling: Effects of witnessing in the Rwandan Gacaca courts on psychological health

AbstractTruth telling has come to play a pivotal role in postconflict reconciliation processes around the world. A common claim is that truth telling is healing and will lead to reconciliation. The present study applies recent psychological research to this issue by examining whether witnessing in the gacaca, the Rwandan village tribunals for truth and reconciliation after the 1994 genocide, was beneficial for psychological health.

The 'Weight' of Recurrent Depression: A Comparison between Recurrent Depressed Individuals and the Dutch Population.

Both depression and obesity share similar risk factors and are mutually associated. Amongobese people, depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders 1. Studies inpersons seeking treatment for mood disorders like depression indicate that obesity andoverweight are common problems in these groups 2, 3.

The politics of war trauma : the aftermath of World War II in eleven European countries

Oorlogsslachtoffers worden in veel (maar zeker niet alle) Europese landen direct gezien en opgevangen als mogelijke traumapatiënten. In 1945 was het woord trauma nog onbekend en de posttraumatische stressstoornis nog niet uitgevonden. Hoe dacht men in die tijd over de mogelijke gezondheidsschade van bijvoorbeeld kampoverlevenden, ex-gevangenen en militairen? Welke groepen slachtoffers konden in de diverse landen aanspraak maken op medische en financiële zorg?
