Psychological reactions to the coronavirus pandemic : a comparative study of Holocaust survivors and other older adults in Israel


The current study examines psychological reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults living in Israel. Based on the ‘life events, stress, coping and health theory,’ we hypothesized that due to their traumatic early life history and dearth of emotional and physical coping resources, Holocaust survivors would be more vulnerable than other older adults to the negative effects of this difficult and prolonged life event on their mental health.



The Efficacy of 90-Min Versus 60-Min Sessions of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD : A Randomized Controlled Trial in Active-Duty Military Personnel

Objective: Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy is a first-line posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, but the manualized 90-min session format constitutes a barrier to adopting PE in most settings because they use 60-min sessions for scheduling and billing. We examined whether 60-min PE sessions were as effective and efficient as 90-min PE sessions.


Veterans’ Perspectives on the Psychosocial Impact of Killing in War

Based on focus group and individual interviews with 26 combat veterans, this qualitative thematic analysis examines the psychosocial and interpersonal consequences of killing in war. It describes the consequences that veterans identify as most relevant in their lives, including postwar changes in emotions, cognitions, relationships, and identity.

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD) is a severe mental disorder that emerges in response to traumatic life events. Complex PTSD is characterised by three core post-traumatic symptom clusters, along with chronic and pervasive disturbances in emotion regulation, identity, and relationships. Complex PTSD has been adopted as a new diagnosis in the ICD-11. Individuals with complex PTSD typically have sustained or multiple exposures to trauma, such as childhood abuse and domestic or community violence.


Posttraumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth in Three Generations of Czech and Slovak Holocaust Survivors

The psychological consequences of trauma related to the Holocaust have been primarily studied in samples derived from Israel, North America, and Western Europe. Few studies have examined postcommunist countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The present study focused on three generations living in the Czech Republic and Slovakia after World War II (WWII): Holocaust survivors (71–95 years of age), their children (30–73 years of age), and their grandchildren (15–48 years of age).


Barriers and facilitators for treatment-seeking in adults with a depressive or anxiety disorder in a Western-European health care setting : a qualitative study


Previous research on barriers and facilitators regarding treatment-seeking of adults with depressive and anxiety disorders has been primarily conducted in the Anglosphere. This study aims to gain insight into treatment-seeking behaviour of adults with depressive and anxiety disorders in a European healthcare system.



Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in mitigating adverse mental health outcomes among disaster-exposed health care workers : A systematic review

Health care workers worldwide are at an increased risk of a range of adverse mental health outcomes, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), following the unprecedented demand placed upon them during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychosocial interventions offered to mitigate these risks should be based on the best available evidence; however, limited information regarding the comparative effectiveness of interventions is available. We undertook a systematic review of psychosocial interventions delivered to health care workers before, during, and after disasters.

A neglected aspect of refugee relief works : Secondary and vicarious traumatic stress

The literature demonstrates evidence that secondary traumatic stress (STS) and vicarious traumatic stress (VTS) may adversely affect the well-being of refugee relief workers and, thus, the quality of their services.

Remember the armed men who wanted to kill mum?" : The hidden Toll of Violence in Al Hol on Syrian and Iraqi CHildren

Around 57,000 people live in Al Hol camp in North East Syria - 64% of them are children. Almost 50% of the camp’s population are under the age of 12. Originally established in 1991, Al Hol was reopened in 2016 when anti-ISIS operations began in Iraq, sending thousands of Iraqi civilians across the border into Syria in search of safety. From 2016 to 2018 there was an influx of Syrian internally displaced people (IDPs). During the final offensive against ISIS in Hajin and Baghouz in early 2019, the camp’s population skyrocketed from approximately 9,800 people to over 73,000 people.
